Local Water Done Well

We are experienced advisers to local government and on New Zealand's water infrastructure and can help navigate the implementation of Local Water Done Well.  


We are a leader in local government water reform, specialising in assisting councils with the implementation of Local Water Done Well.

Stormwater, drinking water, and wastewater, are essential to the health and functioning of communities across New Zealand, and have been a key focus for local and central government in recent years. 

Right now, a key issue is the implementation of Local Water Done Well, which requires councils to develop and consult on water services delivery plans.  As part of that, councils need to make significant decisions about how water services might be delivered and financed, and whether to work jointly with other councils. 

We are experts in local government, water infrastructure, and implementing sector reforms

We work with local authorities, Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) and private entities on a range of matters relating to the supply and treatment of water, including Local Water Done Well (and preparation for Three Waters before that).  We advise on:

  • Compliance: Ensuring adherence to local government legislation, including the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Act 2024
  • Governance: Assisting with the structuring and governance of CCOs, joint local government arrangements, and public sector mergers and reform
  • Decision-making: Supporting councils in making informed decisions through consultation, planning, and iwi engagement processes
  • Iwi engagement and Treaty of Waitangi obligations: Facilitating meaningful engagement with iwi and ensuring compliance with Treaty of Waitangi obligations
  • Funding: Advising on funding mechanisms, including rating and development contributions
  • Economic regulation: Advising on economic regulation of monopoly service providers, including water service providers under Local Water Done Well
  • Asset management: Advising on water and wastewater management, asset management and projects
  • Environmental obligations: Ensuring compliance with environmental obligations relating to water and wastewater under the Resource Management Act.

Tailored legal solutions for local government water reform

If you're considering how to deliver water services, whether to collaborate with other councils, or establish new CCOs, we can provide expert guidance and support. Our understanding of local government water reform and our experience in assisting councils with similar decisions can help you navigate these complex challenges and make informed choices.


Work highlights

Local Water Done Well

We advise local authorities on their implementation of Local Water Done Well, including their obligations under the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Act 2024.

Three Waters reform

We advised local authorities on preparation for Three Waters reform.


We advised Christchurch City Council and Selwyn District Council on the formation and administration of CCOs and COs.

Guidance on long-term plans and development contributions

We advise a number of territorial authorities including Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council and Hurunui District Council on the adoption of their long-term plans, and adoption and implementation of development contributions policies and agreements.

Water Wairarapa

We advised Greater Wellington Regional Council in relation to the Water Wairarapa project. 

Wastewater and trade waste bylaws

We advised Horowhenua District Council on its wastewater and trade waste bylaws.

Our team

Charlotte von Dadelszen

Partner, Wellington
Board of Management

Charlotte specialises in leasing, construction and land-related property advice.…

Email Charlotte von Dadelszen

Daniel Collins

Partner, Auckland

Daniel specialises in banking and finance and has extensive experience working in New Zealand, the Asia Pacific and the Middle East.…

Email Daniel Collins

David Allen

Partner, Wellington

David specialises in all aspects of resource management, environmental and natural resources law and local government law.…

Email David Allen

David Randal

Partner, Wellington

David specialises in resource management, environmental and Māori law.…

Email David Randal

Mark Odlin

Partner, Christchurch

Mark specialises in corporate and commercial law and advises on a range of financial, commercial and corporate law matters, including…

Email Mark Odlin

Natasha Wilson

Partner, Wellington

Natasha has extensive experience in advising public sector bodies on decision-making processes, legislative design, governance…

Email Natasha Wilson

Paul Beverley

Partner, Wellington

Paul specialises in public law, Māori/Treaty of Waitangi law, Treaty settlements, conservation law and resource management law.…

Email Paul Beverley

Susie Kilty

Partner, Wellington

Susie specialises in competition, fair trading, overseas investment consents and economic regulation, particularly of infrastructure in…

Email Susie Kilty

Tom Bennett

Partner, Auckland

Tom specialises in real estate, construction, procurement and infrastructure projects…

Email Tom Bennett