We are proud to have contributed to a unique system
New Zealand has led the way in introducing property rights to the radio spectrum. We are proud that our team includes a member who played a leading role in designing New Zealand's unique system for radio spectrum rights.
We have advised the Crown and private sector clients on various issues.
We help our telecommunications and broadcasting clients get the best out of the radio spectrum. We assist with:
- Use of radio spectrum
- Trades of spectrum rights
- Interference resolution
- Raising finance on spectrum rights.
Work highlights
Sky Television
We advised Sky Television on commercial and regulatory issues related to the radio spectrum including renewal of its UHF licences, conversion of its licences to digital use, arrangements with the Māori Television Service, and licensing satellite services.
Infratil and Brookfield Asset Management
We advised Infratil and Brookfield Asset Management on their landmark NZ$3.4b acquisition of One NZ (previously Vodafone New Zealand).
Telecommunications network operator
We advised a telecommunications network operator on proposals to amend statutory rights to access private land for building and maintaining networks.
Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment and Radio Spectrum Management
We advised MBIE and its Radio Spectrum Management branch on matters relating to the Radiocommunications Act and spectrum auctions, including the conduct of the 700MHz auction and the FM frequency auction.
Sale of spectrum management rights and licences
We have advised on sales of spectrum management rights and licences including due diligence processes, and sale and purchase agreements involving spectrum rights.
Electromagnetic radiation
We advise on the standards for electromagnetic radiation and the licensing of radiocommunications equipment.
Our team
Allan Yeoman
Partner, Auckland
Allan is a partner in Buddle Findlay's Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) team.…
- DDI +64 9 363 1029
- M +64 21 766 312