Sherridan Cook, partner at Buddle Findlay was interviewed by the New Zealand Herald. He believes that workers are the real winners with the Labour Government's latest changes to employment laws. One of their recent changes which is believed to have the biggest impact, includes restricting the 90-day trial periods back to companies with 20 employees or fewer. "The Government are reversing a number of the changes National put in place that made things more favourable for employers, as you would expect from a National Government. I don't think anyone is surprised by what Labour is proposing at this point." In addition other changes that will affect the workplace will be the restoration of employee rights for rest and meal breaks. "I'm not a fan of having prescriptive meal breaks - the employer and employee should be able to work it out. The unions are saying this is being exploited, but I think most employers know that employees do need breaks to be more productive… If you look at it from a health and safety perspective, it's good to have breaks."
Read the full article via the New Zealand Herald.