COVID-19 continues to change the way we do business and presents many unforeseen challenges for employers and employees.
On 31 March 2022, Buddle Findlay partners, Sherridan Cook and Mere King hosted a webinar on how to best navigate through the latest COVID-19 changes and what employment law challenges you might face.
This webinar covered:
- The impact on employer vaccination policies of the Government's move to ease vaccination mandates and the recent High Court judgment overturning the Police/NZDF mandate
- Working in a COVID-19 world - managing working from home and flexible working arrangements
- Medical incapacity - the impact of working through a pandemic on employee mental health and managing the effects of long COVID in your workforce.
Below is the recording of the webinar and you can download a copy of the PowerPoint presentation here.
Buddle Findlay has considerable experience providing valuable strategic and pragmatic advice and guidance to clients on complex employment issues.
If you have any questions regarding the webinar, please contact Sherridan.